More than 600 sheep went under the hammer during the launch of new Friday morning sales at Bishop's Castle livestock market.

The first Friday morning sales session at the livestock market on July 9, held after the auctioneers who run the market decided to reschedule the day of their weekly sales, saw hundreds of sheep sold in a single morning.  

The decision to move sales of prime sheep, cull ewes and store lambs in the border town from a Wednesday to Friday morning was made following discussions with sheep farmers and buyers and timed to coincide with the new season for Welsh marches lamb.

With 623 sheep sold over the course of the morning, the new schedule seems to have paid off for Halls auctioneers, sellers and buyers.

Halls director and auctioneer James Evans reported: “It was a great start to the new Friday sales in Bishops Castle. The number of sheep entries was up and the sale was well supported by vendors and buyers.”

Lights sold to 276p per kilo and £91 per head, averaging 275.76ppk and £91.

Mediums sold to 307ppk and £133 per head, averaging 289.86ppk and £127.89 per head.

Heavies sold to 299ppk and £153.50 per head, averaging 293.11ppk and £141.43 while overweight’s sold to 296ppk and £158.50 per head, averaging 292.57ppk and £157.40.

The sale starts at 9.30am with weighing from 7am.

To book entries, contact James Evans on 07581 552438 or Jonny Dymond on 07803 412617.