An experienced shearer from Powys managed to set a record by shearing over 700 sheep across nine hours.

Meirion Evans, a 25-year-old farmer from Machynlleth, took on the British Ewe record attempt and was able to make all the preparation worth it as he set a new record for shearing 791 sheep in nine hours.

Mr Evans had been busy preparing for this challenge for months when the big day arrived on July 13 at Hendreseifion Farm.

At the end of his successful record attempt, he said:  “It’s difficult to put into words the feeling right now.  Although it was me shearing, the entire record’s success is down to a huge team effort.

“This record would not have been possible without the help, support and commitment of so many people, too many to name individually.

“From the family at Hendreseifion for hosting the record, the pen men that were there with me all day, the farmers for supplying their sheep, the wool wrappers, those supporting me with my gear and all my family and friends – without all of you, today would not have been possible.”

The first sheep was shorn at 5am and the last at 5pm, with nearly 800 shorn over the course of nine hours carried out across five shearing runs.

On his motivation behind attempting to break the record, before taking on the challenge he said: “I have helped at several record attempts over the years, I enjoyed being a part of the team and supporting shearers to do their best in whatever record they were attempting.

"I also very much liked the atmosphere and wanted to attempt the record myself.

“There are many within the industry I look up to and I remember from a young age watching videos of Stacey Te Huia from New Zealand shearing which was a big inspiration to me.

“Shearing has already given me many opportunities including seven seasons working in New Zealand. This is a great way to improve and also to make new friends.”

(Image: Ruth Ress Photography)

Gareth Jones, Head of Member Engagement, British Wool, added: “On behalf of British Wool we offer huge congratulations to Meirion on his successful record attempt.  This was a display of high quality shearing and Meirion should be very proud of his achievements.”

“We appreciate the hard work that also goes on behind the scenes in holding a record and therefore offer congratulations to everyone that has helped and supported Meirion in successfully setting a new British Shearing Record.”