SOME Chepstow residents plan to ‘boycott’ this year’s Chepstow Show by not attending over disagreements surrounding the ethics of fox hunting.

Traditionally, two hunts are invited to attend the Chepstow Show each year: The Wollaston Bassets and the Curre and Llangibby Foxhounds Hunt.

Jeff Baldwin, 42, has lived in Chepstow for over five years and is one of those who will not be attending this year’s show due to how uncomfortable it makes him feel, despite attending in 2022.

He said: “There is a place for old fashioned, traditional things but ... how long do we want this tradition to go on?

“It’s up to the organisers of the Chepstow Show, if they want to keep inviting them, they have got to understand that increasingly, as time goes on, there will be more and more people who will not want to go to the show because the hunt is on.”

Marcus Hobbs, 64, said: "Fox hunting of any kind is abhorrent to me. I will not be attending the show because of this. The show organisers have made a massive mistake and failed to realise how many locals are against the Hunt being a part of the show."

Chandra Taylor added: "Everybody has a right to stand up for what they believe in, which includes voting with their feet and boycotting events that don’t align with their personal morals. 85 per cent of the UK population is against fox hunting (National Survey 2017). I can therefore completely understand why they may boycott a show that promotes that activity."

Others such as Sam Kellaway disagree and think it is great that the hounds get invited to the show.

He took to Facebook and said: “Personally, I think it’s great that Chepstow Show are inviting hounds to their show.

“I appreciate people don’t agree with it but ultimately the hunting law should be decided within the countryside rather than in Westminster - they don’t see poultry after a fox attack, nor the lambs killed.

“No one wants to kill the entire fox population as they are part of British wildlife, but they need to be controlled in a healthy and sustainable way. Personally, I think the foxhound is the way rather than the gun.”

In the UK, it is illegal to hunt foxes with a pack of dogs, although you can use dogs to simulate hunting, for example ‘drag’ or ‘trail’ hunting, through using a scent.

The Chepstow Show is organised by the Chepstow Agricultural Society, which said the event was "a traditional agricultural show".

It said: "A group of volunteers work hard throughout the year to put this event on for the community of Chepstow and the surrounding areas, as they have done for many years.

"The society looks to promote the skills and craftmanship of the rural community. Local organisations, businesses and companies from all walks of life attend the event.

"Chepstow Show has no affiliation with any of these organisations."

The show takes place at Chepstow Racecourse on Saturday, August 10. Those who attend should expect to see livestock, horticulture, home craft, vintage and dog sections, a full main ring programme and trade stands. You can purchase tickets on the Chepstow Show website.